Palm Beach Symphony celebrates fifty years of inspiring orchestral music, made possible by the generous support of patrons like you.
When you make a gift, you become a valued member of our donor family, supporting our organization's mission and facilitating the expansion of our orchestral performances featuring world-class guest artists. Moreover, your contribution extends beyond the stage, enabling us to provide essential music education and community outreach programs. These initiatives are pivotal in fostering collaboration, communication, memory retention, critical thinking, a strong work ethic, and creativity in young minds.
Considering that ticket sales cover only about 15-20% of concert operating costs and our commitment to offering music education and community outreach programs at no cost, your contribution plays a vital role in making a meaningful impact in our community.
We sincerely thank you for your generous gift towards our 50th Golden Anniversary celebration!
Make a gift to the annual fund to support Palm Beach Symphony's mission to engage, educate, and entertain the greater community of the Palm Beaches.