Palm Beach Symphony is excited to announce a Side-by-Side performance opportunity on May 18 and 19, 2025, open to students and community members who are residing and/or studying in the South Florida region (not limited solely to Palm Beach County). Participation is free and open to the public, and there is no application fee.
Applicants should be in middle school, high school or college students (undergraduate and graduate), as well as community members ages 18 and up. Students should be advanced-level musicians or intermediate at minimum for full consideration, and must be recommended by a music teacher/director. K-12 music teachers and university music professors are also welcome and highly encouraged to participate, and should submit an application form for themselves but do not need to have another person fill out a recommendation form on their behalf.
Admission is on a first come first served basis.
Our Side-by-Side repertoire is Johannes Brahms’ Academic Festival Overture, Op. 80.
Instrumental parts and the full score as well as recommended recordings are below.
This work includes the following instruments:
Strings: violin, viola, cello, double bass
Woodwinds: piccolo, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, contrabassoon
Brass: French horn, trumpets, trombones, tuba
Percussion: timpani, bass drum, cymbals, triangle
All participants must be available to play all of the following services for the full duration of times listed.
· Sunday, May 18 from 5:30-7:15 pm –Rehearsal begins at 6 pm with Palm Beach Symphony and Side-by-Side participants with Music Director Gerard Schwarz at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts. Please arrive early to get through Kravis Center security, check-in with Palm Beach Symphony, get your seat assignment, warm-up, and meet your Palm Beach Symphony stand partner.
· Monday, May 19 at 4:30 pm – Dress Rehearsal. Please arrive early to get through Kravis Center backstage security checkpoint and be prepared to sit in your assigned seat no later than 4:50 pm on the stage of Dreyfoos Hall.
Dress Rehearsal of the Brahms for this Community Side-by-Side is from 5-6 pm.
· Monday, May 19 from 6:30 pm – Performance begins at 7:30 pm with the Brahms Community Side-by-Side work first on the concert program. Early arrival by 6:30 pm is required. Complimentary tickets will be provided to all participants to be our guests if you wish to stay for the remainder of this concert that will end at 9:30 pm.
Community member participants must encompass the skills to able to perform Brahms’ Academic Festival Overture, Op. 80.
There is no audition in this application process; therefore, completed recommendation forms are crucial for an applicant’s acceptance. Students of any age should have their music teacher, professor, conductor, and/or private instructor fill out the recommendation form. All community members ages 18+ should have a music director/conductor, private instructor, or a professional musician submit a nomination on applicant’s behalf. K-12 music teachers and university music professors may apply to participate and do not need to have someone submit a recommendation form on each applicant’s behalf.
Notification of acceptance decisions will be sent out via email by May 2, 2025.
Both the Application Form and the Recommendation Form must be submitted by
Concert Attire – All Black:
(No jeans, shorts, or flip flops please).
Black button-down shirt, black slacks or khakis, black socks and shoes.
All black slacks or skirt/dress that is below the knee with tops that are ¾ to full length with black dress shoes.
The Kravis Center for the Performing Arts
701 Okeechobee Blvd
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
May 18, 2025 Rehearsal will be held at the Kravis Center with space TBD.
May 19, 2025 Dress Rehearsal and Concert will be held in Dreyfoos Hall at the Kravis Center.
Only participating musicians accepted to perform with Palm Beach Symphony are permitted at rehearsals and backstage.
More information on the Kravis Center and how to get there by vehicle or public transportation:
Parking at Kravis Center:
The Kravis Center for the Performing Arts has its own parking garage that is free of charge.
Level 3 is where the entrances to Dreyfoos Hall and the Cohen Pavilion are.
Level 2 is the entrance to the Kravis Security Backstage Door.
Tickets for the Performance:
All community side-by-side participants will be awarded two complimentary tickets for admission to see the remainder of the Palm Beach Symphony concert. All friends and family members as well as music educators of the community side-by-side participants may purchase tickets at the highly discounted rate of $10 each. Information on how to receive complimentary and discounted tickets will be provided at a later date to all musicians invited to participate in this Community Side-by-Side.
For More Information on Palm Beach Symphony’s “The Encore” May 19, 2025 Concert Program
Questions? Contact:
Bryce Seliger, DMA, Education & Programming Associate (email preferred)
Full Score and Individual Parts Including Transposed and Transcribed Parts for Community Side-by-Side Repertoire of
Johannes Brahms’ Academic Festival Overture, Op. 80:
These parts include markings that will be used in rehearsals, including but not limited to bowings and
fingerings in string parts.
London Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Marin Alsop
Chicago Symphony Orchestra conducted by Georg Solti
Cleveland Orchestra conducted by Franz Welser-Möst
Orchestre de Paris conducted by Paavo Järvi
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra conducted by Bernard Haitink
Video of Analysis (12’) by Gerard Schwarz, Palm Beach Symphony Music Director
More Information on Palm Beach Symphony’s Educational Offerings